STRATEGY | 20 Best Global Cities for Startups

Series > Startup Nation Obvious choices like London, New York and Silicon Valley aside – what are the best cities around the globe for startups? And what makes them so? Well, we wondered too. That’s why we compiled a list of 20 world-class cities where startups can – and do – thrive. […]

NEWS | Brexit Personal Finance Update

#Brexit & You – Your Property, Savings, and Pensions Future Before you rush off to the Republic of Ireland for an ancestral passport in order establish more permanent ties with Europe – and yes, applications are up 2,000% in the wake of the referendum – know that the market consensus […]

NEWS | Brexit Referendum Update

What are the consequences for the UK and the EU after the Brexit vote? If you thought #Brexit was done and dusted…think again. Catch up on all the latest developments, including David Cameron’s resignation, the historic meeting of 27 in Brussels and Labour’s vote of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn. Plus […]