HOW-TO | 5 Ways to Push Through a Sales Plateau

What if business resources are limited but you want to take sales performance to the next level?

Don’t despair!

If revenues have plateaued recently, here are 5 practical actions you can take to revive those flagging sales figures…

1. Reframe what your business is actually about.
Think creatively about how you can stretch the parameters of your target audience. Can you grow your base by offering related products? Could you partner with a complementary business to offer bundled services?

2. Give your employees a new perspective.
Create opportunities for back- and middle-office staff to meet customers in the field. Not only will they learn how to better sell and service clients, they will offer unique perspectives on your brand and market positioning.

3. Involve the entire company in brainstorming ideas for growing revenue.
No one individual — CEO, MD or FD — or department — sales, marketing or client care — has the lock on how to improve business results. Often the best ideas come from the most surprising quarters. Listen widely, implement the best two or three proposals and then measure your results to ensure future success.

4. Ask employees how they would improve the company if it was their business.
Nothing motivates better than responsibility and ownership. Ask team members to walk a mile in your shoes – what would they do to stimulate new business growth or better retain existing customers if the decision (and results) stopped with them?

5. Interview your best and most difficult customers.
Find out what makes these key clients tick to determine if it’s worth the effort to acquire more of the same. Can you service them well today and keep them happy in the future? Then double down on your acquisition efforts. If not, look for new types of clients to prospect.

For more inspiration and ideas, read Christina DesMarais’ article for Inc. or follow Inc. magazine on Twitter.

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