Marketing is like a first date.
If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second.
Yes, at some point we all hope our ideal customers will look longingly into our eyes and say, “So right, enough about me, tell me more about you.”
But that’s not likely to happen within the first 60 seconds of interaction – and even less so if all you do during that time is SELL, SELL, SELL yourself.
Like with all good dating encounters – and to generate an outstanding customer experience – you need to respect the rules of engagement, never try to cut corners with quality and always keep your interactions classy.
So if you want to deliver top-notch brand engagement, here are Wonderland’s 6 simple rules for dating your customer…
Take it slow.
Play the long game. Audiences can smell desperation, like flop sweat, from a mile away. Don’t try to make a quick quid if what you really want is a long-term relationship.
Find common ground.
Win over well-placed influencers, show up at the right community watering holes, be ready to jump in with a fun, poignant or helpful anecdote. Most of all, be a “we,” not a “me” kinda person.
Spark up when they talk about their interests.
Don’t show up for every first – or heaven forbid, subsequent – date with same old tired bouquet of supermarket flowers. If she likes Arsenal, don’t offer to get her match tickets for Chelsea. When your date shares important details about themselves and their preferences, make sure you listen and personalise your interactions. You don’t have to be a patron of the Old Vic to know when someone is just running from script.
Bring your real self to the party
Be a great raconteur. Be a centre-ring, fire-breathing, death-defying showman. Get them eating out of the palm of your hand. Just don’t fake the interaction. Make sure to keep those brand stories simple, beautiful and authentic. No one likes to have the wool pulled over their eyes.
Get permission before you go in for that killer kiss or next date request
Every time. All the time. Do it playfully, do it with charm and panache, but do it. This is definitely NOT the time to break out your opt-out boilerplate. Go opt-in or else face the wrath of your customer and potentially a knock from the GDPR auditors.
Do what you say you will
Show complete transparency when you’re talking about what happens next – where it happens, how it happens, when it happens and who’s involved. Make the customer journey exciting and engaging, not deceptive or treacherous.
That’s how Wonderland believes you should woo audiences with class, style and grace.
Let us show you how.